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Inside, You'll Receive:
ATTN: Corrupt Cops, Attorneys, Prosecutors & Judges: No more easy targets for you. Run when you hear my name or be embarrassed by a non-attorney. You have options.
I am not a regular-degular, run-of-the-mill, social activist. I am a legal advocate who began doing legal research when my daughter was railroaded in court with lies. So this is personal and the tiger is out of the cage. An awakened beast for justice.
Here's My Plan: Educate, Elevate & Empower 3,000 people with powerful legal and financial education. IN EVERY STATE. Then when enough people know their rights and how to hold corrupt officials accountable to the law, it will disrupt the legal industry and return truth to the justice system. GAME CHANGER.
Subscribe now to receive what took years for me to unravel. No fluff. No jargon. Just timeless strategies that work, in plain language.
-Daurice J
Talking to Anne I almost felt like Neo talking to the Oracle in Matrix.
-Bryan H
You are the law oracle. Thank you and happy holidays! Best Regards.
-Leslie H
Definitely inspiring. It’s the flame that matches desires.
-Adam W
I was a 'believer' before, but I learned enough to be one hell of an excited believer now.
-Harry S
I was so confident in myself that the court clerk asked me if I was an attorney.
-Rhondior L
OMG you sound so normal and I can actually understand what you’re saying and what to do!
-Jamir P
I feel like a kid in a candy store! I’ve been searching for this information for years!
-Kevin P
This information is amazing and life-changing. Thank you Ms. Sutton for all your hard work, dedication, and love that you brought to the people.
-Daniel T
I have received more important information in the last 6 months from your classes than in 10 years. You truly have a gift.
-David W
Ms Anne you have done it again, the very first package that I sent to Child Support shut them down and they secretly wiped out $50,000 dollars worth of Arrearage Debt that I have been trying to discharge for over 25 years. Thankz A Million to You for what You Do!
-Shawnalee P
You are such an inspiration to me!!! You have given me the confidence to use my voice. Thank you for such a Nobel undertaking you have shouldered with such grace!!!! Your light, intelligent, and witty delivery of your lessons amazes me!!! Having followed you, I know I got this! Much Love and Respect.
-Dario M
I researched everything and it all came back 100%. You gave me something that only sound knowledge can provide...TRUE CONFIDENCE!! Fun fact: the Judge told me in open court that he nor 100’s of attorneys knew the statute I presented and he asked me if he could call another judge in to shake my hand because he was so impressed that I presented my case so well as a non-attorney.
What people are saying

Who is Dr. Anelia Sutton?
Anelia is the founder of Mission Possible University to help laypeople know their legal rights and gain financial independence without any confusing legalese..
She began doing legal research after her daughter was railroaded in court with lies -- an abusive tactic used by corrupt public officials who routinely violate people who don't know their legal rights.
Anelia is determined to level the playing field by normalizing jurisprudence (study of law) and elevating personal finances through building generational wealth.
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